Team Members: A team may consist of up to three students currently enrolled in the same school. Students may be enrolled in any department or program at the school. There is no limit to the number of teams a school may register. The contest is open to all undergraduate and high school students. An advisor must complete the registration process for each team.
团队成员: 一个团队最多可以由目前就读于同一所学校的三名学生组成。学生可以就读于学校的任何部门或课程。学校可以注册的团队数量没有限制。比赛面向所有本科生和高中生开放。顾问必须完成每个团队的注册过程。
Team Advisors: Any faculty, staff member, or student at the team's institution can fulfill the role of Advisor. The advisor will act as the main point of contact for the team, and does not have to be from the mathematics department. We encourage faculty members to serve as team advisors; however, one team member or another student at the school may act as the advisor.
团队顾问: 团队所在机构的任何教职员工或学生都可以担任顾问的角色。顾问将作为团队的主要联系人,不必来自数学系。我们鼓励教职员工担任团队顾问;但是,学校的一名团队成员或另一名学生可以担任顾问。

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小平科技创新团队 (青少年科技创新领域国家级最高荣誉,全校唯一)
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